Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pain In Nasal Cavity Does "breakage" Or "damaging" The Nasal Cavity Require Oral Surgery? If So, How Long After?

Does "breakage" or "damaging" the nasal cavity require oral surgery? If so, how long after? - pain in nasal cavity

My brother had a tooth in prison for a lady dentist. During the procedure to be in his nasal cavity, creating a hole. He was transferred to another prison, and is currently only disadvantages painkillers. He is a complaint against the Department of Correctional Services file, and calls to find a corner of the application, the doctor must ensure that it experienced maxillofacial surgery? If anyone has any comments or help on this thank you all for your help.


Nebula D said...

I am a dentist.

It seems that your brother, an exhibition "in" or "breast drill" had during the extraction of the tooth.

This is a normal risk of removal of a molar or premolar. The doctor who removed the teeth most likely to be drawn into the outlet into account to see if there is a problem, and it is quite possible that the perforation was not visible. Perhaps there was even a hole in the time of collection, on the contrary, that developed later. However, these complications can occasionally occur. Nobody's fault.

My brother has no case.

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