Saturday, January 30, 2010

How Many Calories In 8 Oclock Coffee How Many Calories Does A Cup Of Coffee Have?

How Many Calories Does A Cup Of Coffee Have? - how many calories in 8 oclock coffee

I've heard different things for black coffee without cream, sugar, milk or nothing.

It would also Coffee French Vanilla different if it has not more beans? The coffee comes in a bag without nutrition information, but without adding cream or sugar, only the real beans. The brand is 8 clock coffee here is the link to the guy, I wonder:


Miss BANANA SPLIT ♥ said...

I know that at Starbucks, a cup of black coffee has only 5 calories, depending on the nutritional information. I do not think that brands are very different, as you drink of course. Enjoy!

shavalav... said...

it has no calories if u add something

katherin... said...

I am sure that coffee is like tea, no calories. French Vanilla is the same way.

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