Monday, January 11, 2010

Stem Cell Cream What Is The Best Anti-age Regimen With An Unlimited Money Budget?

What is the best anti-age regimen with an unlimited money budget? - stem cell cream

In addition to excerise, water and good food, what can you do? I've heard of neuropeptide creams, injections of stem cells, Botox .... What is the best, with an unlimited budget?


Alexis said...

I got a new face again, I'm probably much older than you. Creams and lotions do not. Oh, if I had money.

midnight... said...

I think it is disgusting to try to stay young. Death is a part of life and not a life without death.

Exercise should focus on good health, good nutrition and appropriate.

midnight... said...

I think it is disgusting to try to stay young. Death is a part of life and not a life without death.

Exercise should focus on good health, good nutrition and appropriate.

tanya_sh... said...

I use Arbonne. I love it and it works. To If you like what you see or have any questions, please let me know. I can help.

Thank you Tanya

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